Monday, November 3, 2008

No More NG Tube

Hello friends.  I'm so sorry that it's been so long  since our last post.  Ari is doing amazingly well.  Last week on Thursday 10/30 we (Miguel and I) removed her feeding tube.  It was a bit traumatic for her and us both.  Bianca was the one with the level head who suggested to get her Bella Doll that Ms. Siri gave her at the hospital.  Little Bella has had everything done to her that Ari has.  She is our therapy doll and so Ari gently removed Bella's tube, asked if she was ok and then we removed Ari's with some tears. 

Looking at her round angelic face after removing the tube, I started to cry myself because I realized that was the first time we had seen her face without anything on it for 4 1/2 months.  Wow!!  So with God's good grace, Ari is on the road to a full recovery, but I on the other hand am finally starting to face and deal with all of the feelings, stress, and anxiety of our hospital experience.  Nonetheless, processing all of my feelings has been a difficult.  

I never got a chance to thank Andrea and Valerie for creating and carrying out the Raffle for us. Finances has been yet another stress and we thank all of the friends and family who supported us and participated in the raffle.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.  We look forward to paying it forward to another family in need.  

1 comment:

Gina and the Gang said...

She looks great! I'm so glad she is free of tubes and wires. I guess it's our turn now. I hope to see you soon!